Saturday, November 9, 2019

Impeachment inquiry

Here is a scenario based on unproven allegations by republicans regarding the 2016 election. John Smith, democrat is elected president in a close election. The republican dominated house believes that Smith used voter fraud to steal the election and consider him to be an illegitimate president. The congress then colludes with some higher ups in the Justice Department to present evidence to the FISA court and secure a warrant to tap into the phone conversations of one of Smiths associates who they claim is in cahoots with a foreign agent. One they listen they can then tap the phones of anyone this person talks with. After listening to dozens of people over a period of months they then have the FBI interview these people. In time these people will contradict themselves over some small detail and they will be charged with lying to the FBI which is a felon. After enough lies are exposed the congress can start an impeachment inquiry and begin to call witnesses to testify behind closed doors and begin to leak biased facts to the press. After months of this the public begins backing impeachment so congress then moves from inquiry to formal impeachment proceedings and within a few weeks votes to impeach. In the senate trial they fall short of the 67 votes needed to convict and it all ends. In the process several people go to jail, some are bankrupted paying legal fees and many reputations are tarnished. The president is defeated in his reelection bid and the whole process is put to rest until the next president is elected with a congress in the other party. The most concerning thing in this whole story is that some of the non-elected bureaucrats in Justice have worked with congress to defeat an elected president.

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