Sunday, November 10, 2019


Violent crimes have been on the decline since 1990 and have dropped by 60%. There are many reasons for this but some that are discussed are the broken window concept, stop and frisk and three strikes and your out. All of these have to do with stricter law enforcement. Although listening to the news would make this counter-intuitive many feel that policing has improved. One of the biggest changes was adding more police with the number of officers doubling since 1990. More Police, Managed More Effectively, Really Can Reduce Crime Contrast that with California Prop 47 passed in 2016 that states any theft of less than $950 will not be prosecuted. This means you can walk into Walmart and run out with $600 TV and you will not be chased or prosecuted. Anything below $950 keeps the crime a misdemeanor — and likely means the thieves face no pursuit and no punishment. Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say shoplifting increased at least 15 percent, and in some cases doubled. The cost of theft is passed on to others in the form of price increases. This is another way to redistribute the wealth similar to uninsured using the emergency room.

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