Sunday, November 3, 2019


On the news this AM they interviewed a woman who was referred to as a parenting expert. This brought back memories of the President Clinton welfare reform. One of the several reasons I voted for Clinton was his statement that welfare should be a helping hand not a way of life. He changed the law so that states had more control which led to the rule that after five years you were off of welfare. The problem that many faced was the cost of child care so there was a push for government paid child care and when this was rejected many used Grandmas as caretakers. To offset this they brought forth a Professor who was an expert in child care and he said that Grandmas were not properly trained to care for children. He was quickly laughed off the stage and disappeared. In defense of young parents the extended family was disappearing and they had to start reading books on how to care for children. The old days when older siblings, aunts and grandmas were around changed as people moved to find jobs so they had to turn to experts to find out how to raise a child. Most young parents learn that their mistakes are covered up by their love and that has always been the case.

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