Sunday, November 24, 2019

Trump foreign policy

The Trump plan for the coming election will have a domestic program consisting of promoting the economy and pointing out that there is no free lunch. His foreign policy will center around China. Long before Trump became president he complained about China's entry into the WTO. He saw them as currency manipulators while stealing intellectual property and having unfair trade practices. It was not only China that was taking advantage of the US but other countries around the globe. He felt that free trade was good for everyone but it should be fair trade and this was not the case with the US having annual trade deficits of over $500 billion. He saw that there were 190 countries in the United Nations and the US was paying 22% of the cost. There are 29 members in NATO and the US pays over 20% of the cost. The US spend $6 billion per year maintaining troops in 80 countries and this lowers their cost for defense. The US spends more in research than any country and most new ideas, especially in the medical field are shared. His foreign policy agenda will be based on fairness.

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