Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Border problems

More than 2 million illegals crossed the southern border in 2021. Alejandro Mayorkas the man in charge maintains that the border is closed. There were also 600,000 known run getaways along with record amounts of drugs and uncounted cases of sexual abuse, child trafficking and criminals. These people who used to be mostly from Mexico now come from Central America, South America and 50 other countries. As the world finds out that the US is not able to stop the flow of illegals the problem will escalate. Now experts are predicting that the number of illegals will increase four fold if the government cancels title 42 on May 23 as currently planned. Ending title 42 is the right thing to do but other things must be done to stem the flow. Mayorkas is trying to get more border agents, more judges and more of everything that is needed to bring in up to the expected 800,000 per month instead of trying to stem the flow.

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