Monday, April 25, 2022

Fossil fuels

Joe Biden declared climate change the “number one issue facing humanity” and vowed a national transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy that he says will create millions of new jobs. This is from January of 2021 shortly after Biden took office. Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development. This is from a letter to Biden signed by 30 environmental groups Biden, April 14, 2021 We, the undersigned organizations, respectfully petition you to stop the proliferation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export facilities Democrats were all for this transition but many now see that there was not a lot of thought given to how this would be done. Did anyone considered the damage to the planet by mining rare earths and lithium. Did they realize that wind and solar need backup. Did anyone ask as to how airplanes would fly. Did anyone lay out a time line as to how quickly this change should take place. Did anyone even mention nuclear power. This was always more about social change than climate change.

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