Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I never paid much attention to Twitter until now that it is in the news. Today I found out that 98% of Twitter employees contributed to democrats The top donors from Google, which owns YouTube, pushed 94% of their total 2022 political contributions to Democrats, as did 99% of Twitter employee donations, the records show. Many well known conservatives including Trump have been banned from Twitter but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Louis Farrakhan and Nicolas Maduro the dictator of Venezuela are still on. Of course the most important censoring occurred with the Hunter Biden story which many feel could have effected the outcome of the last election. That story was banned even though it turned out to be true but the Trump/Russia collusion story was allowed on even though it turned out to be false. This happens when individuals are allowed to determine truth for the rest of the public.

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