Saturday, April 2, 2022

Move on is a liberal political action group and it is named after a very effective strategy. When faced with a political problem throw in some road blocks and drag it out for as long as possible and in time the public loses interest. Later when the truth comes out just say that is old news and move on. Two recent examples are the origin of the virus and the Hunter Biden laptop. When the Covid first struck some felt it came from the Wuhan lab but within a few weeks many experts came forth saying it came from bats. The story of the lab source was quickly squashed. “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” Investigators were told not to open Pandora's Box. As time passed more and more evidence came forth suggesting the lab source and reasons for covering up arose. The US was conducting gain of function research in the lab The same procedure was follows in the laptop case. Experts came forth saying it was Russian disinformation and years later it was found to be authentic. The strategy worked because in both cases the press just accepted the explanations without any further investigation. Even now as both cases have come under scrutiny most of the press are not interested.

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