Thursday, April 14, 2022

Race hustling

Jesse Jackson former presidential candidate and businessman formed Operation Push to help inner city Blacks. In 1984 he formed the Rainbow Coalition and began a program that became his claim to fame. He protested Anheuser Bush company for not having enough Black employees and discovered that he could get money that way. This was the start of what became known as race hustling. Jackson could demand payments for publicizing that a certain company was helping Blacks and this was the start of virtue signaling. It grew into a thriving business culminating in 1996 when August Bush gave the big Chicago Bud distributorship to Jackson's two sons. Fast forward to Black Lives Matter and the same process is played out. Big corporations donated to BLM to get the good press with virtue signaling. They collected over $10 billion dollars and now no one seems to know what happened to the money. They are under investigation by the SEC and each day more bad news is reported. This will be the death knell for BLM. Question is will it be the end of race hustling.

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