Tuesday, April 5, 2022


I have felt for years that the United Nations was an ineffective organization. In regards to them complaining about the way the Russians are treating the Ukrainian people Former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen told Fox News that there is not much the United Nations is able to do because nearly half of its security council's permanent membership – the states with veto power -- are complicit in "crimes against humanity." In addition Russia and China have veto power and can stop any changes they deem to interfere with autocratic government. This power that Russia can use has thwarted any thing the UN can do to help Ukraine. There is a clear anti Jewish sentiment in the UN. There are 193 countries in the UN and the US pays 22% of the cost. Representatives from very poor countries come to New York and stay at the finest hotels and eat at the best restaurants while they dither away the hours at UN meetings while their people back home go hungry.

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