Saturday, April 23, 2022

Fixing climate

This is an open letter to all of my friends who voice concern about climate change. While the US cannot do much about other countries we can by example lead the way and here is how. Immediately begin changing over to natural gas for transportation. Close down the wind and solar business and use that money toward developing nuclear power especially thorium plants. This will stop the poisoning of the water supply caused by mining rare earth metals and lithium. All new homes should be small and built close together with no yards. This eliminates the use of yard equipment like mowers, edgers, fertilizers, herbicides and water. People are in need of and demanding low cost housing and this can be the answer. Get rid of all toys things like 4 wheelers, motor bikes, snow mobiles and boats. As the nuke plants are brought on line the excess energy can be used to desalt sea water and vastly increase the world's food supply. The excess energy can be used to change water in to hydrogen by electrolysis and this then replaces natural gas in transportation. The country is then carbon free. Oil will continue to be used but not by burning but in the petrochemical industry. Here research should be directed toward products that are degradable. Most people who are vocal in their concern about climate change would balk at even living in a small house and giving up their toys. They talk a good story but most expect others to make the sacrifices needed to solve the problem.

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