Saturday, April 16, 2022

NY mayor

For more than 50 years Black males have committed more than half the murders in the USA and 93% of those are Black males killing Black males. These statistics were not well known because to talk about them meant you were racist and you were called racist so not much was done to reverse the trend. A few years ago a few in the press began to mention this and that is the first step toward doing something about the problem. This week the Black mayor of New York City posed the question as to where was the outrage about the recent rise of murder in the city. He specifically called out Black Lives Matter. It seems that when a White cop kills a Black man they rise to protest but when a thousand times more often a Black man kills even children they are quiet. Some say they use racial murder to make money and that doesn't work when it is Black on Black murder. When a cop kills a Black man BLM can use that to raise money and they do. Corporations can be shamed into making donations and it can be called virtue signaling when they donate. Since the George Floyd murder BLM collected billions and now everyone is asking what happened to the money. The mayor said that BLM is not concerned about Blacks being murdered unless they can make money.

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