Sunday, February 26, 2023


The first industrial revolution began around 1800 with the invention of the steam engine. That led to the second called machination followed by the computer and today we are looking at the forth which is artificial intelligence (AI). There are no jobs today that are safe from being replaced by some high tech robot. The upside is that this will result in vast increases in productivity and safety and the downside is loss of jobs. Will people be able to adjust. Current thinking is that they will. There will be a transition period with high unemployment but that will pass as people adjust to the new world. We saw this when horses were replaced by cars and when machines replace auto workers in Detroit. The joke was they can learn to code. This new revolution will be more difficult to get through because in the past one or two areas were effected and people could move into a new field. This time the change will be happening in all areas at the same time closing many doors. As the AI revolution increases productivity people will work fewer hours and the jobs that remain can be divided up. The job that is now handled by one person will take two so we may be looking at a 20 hour week. In the past computers could only to what they were programmed to do but in today's world and more importantly in tomorrows world computers will learn and in time, pass by their creators. It is not science fiction to suggest that AI can produce music like Beethoven, art like Di Vinci, and stories like Shakespeare.

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