Monday, February 20, 2023

Civil rights

The fundamental issue in the Civil Rights movement was the fact that people should not be discriminated against because of some innate quality like skin color or sexual preference. People should be judged by who they are, by how they behave and by the content of their character. This agenda was championed by liberal groups. Affirmative action and equal pay for women were typical concerns. We would all be united as Americans not disunited by some chance combination of genes at conception. Over the years these concepts morphed into placing people into groups based on these very innate qualities like skin color. It started in schools thirty years ago when students would gather together at lunch time sitting in groups of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites. As time passed it moved into the main stream and is now known as social identities or identity politics. The one group that oversees all others is the oppressors vs the oppressed. If you are a While male you are the oppressor not based on any actions you take or any beliefs you may have but just because of your race and sex. Other lesser groups are the gays and straights, the rich and poor, formal education or not, coastal or inland and other lesser differences like what pronouns you want to be called. These are differences that people have some control over but a tolerate person would allow for those differences without attacking those who are different. It requires constant vigilance to make sure you don't accidentally cross some social red line like saying all lives matter instead of Black lives matter. This just adds unnecessary stress to day to day living.

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