Sunday, February 12, 2023

NY migrant

The saga of the migrants. They leave countries where there is turmoil and no jobs and cross the border into the US. Some cities like New York are called sanctuary cities. These cities have municipal laws to protect migrants from deportation or prosecution. When migrants started to arrive in New York the mayor said they did not have the money or facilities to take care of these new comers. Recently they were put into expensive hotels but they wrecked the rooms with parties and drugs and when they were to be moved to another location they refused to go and camped out on the streets in front of the hotels. It was then they discovered that the streets were not safe and demanded to go to Canada so the city paid for their bus fare to Canada. After a few days there they said it was too cold and wanted to come back to New York. When cities put up the welcome sign and invite migrants they should mean what they say or not be a sanctuary city. This is just adding more confusion to an already confused situation.

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