Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Where did the virus come from is in the news once again. When this virus first appeared on the scene the facts led to a lab leak. There was this lab in Wuhan, China that was doing research on new kinds of virus and suddenly the Covid appeared. China shut down the province and allowed no travel to other provinces but did allow travel from Wuhan to all points around the globe. China refused to allow any outside investigation but claimed that the virus came from a nearby meat market. Up to this point things remained relatively sensible but then Trump came out and called it the China virus and claimed it came from the lab. That's when all hell broke loose and then both political sides raced to their respective corners and the fight was on. All reasoning was set aside and the battle started and continues to this day. Time has moved the needle from, it came from bats to it came from the lab but each side is so entrenched in their original positions that they are unwilling to reconsider. The same thing happened to wearing of masks and getting vaxed except in many of those cases people lost their jobs and were attacked as being antisocial. Some were called murderers because they were told that unvaxed people spread the virus more easily than vaxed. They were also told that if you were vaxed you could not get the virus and you would not spread the virus. All of this misinformation happened because logical thinking went out the window and was replaced with emotional thinking. On top of all that the country was shut down based on much of this misinformation. The reasonable approach would have been to vax all elderly and some with health problems but not children and not close schools and businesses and certainly not house sick elderly people with well elderly people.

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