Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Free speech

I have spoken on a number of occasions on how teachers have given up their first amendment rights. They find themselves walking on egg shells as they censor their words for fear of starting a controversy or even a student walk out. Teachers have a saying that you pick your battles and starting a spat over some word or words is not worth it so they keep quiet. On one recent case I encountered a female coach who considered allowing men who claim to be women to play on the women's team would cause harm to their sport but told me in confidence that she had to keep quiet. This stuff has now spread outside the schools. Right today there are liberals who think we should negotiate an end to the Ukraine war but will not speak out because Biden is all in on the war. There are conservatives who believe that the gay life style is sinful but they remain quiet. There are liberals who feel that teaching a ten year old about gender transfer is not age appropriate but they are silent. There are conservatives who feel that the safety net is not for able bodied young people who could work but choose not to. There are people who feel that taking God out of our schools or renaming buildings or tearing down statues is a mistake but they won't express their views for fear of being ridiculed. If you have the great gift of free speech but cannot use that gift it is the country's loss.

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