Friday, February 24, 2023

Putin's war

President Biden, along with many military experts, have said we cannot allow Russia to take over Ukraine and we will stay that as long as it takes to save Ukraine but we will not send American troops to fight in Ukraine. Polls show that the American people oppose sending troops to fight on the ground in Ukraine. So what is the cost to the average American for this war. Not much. The US has spent $113 billion on Ukraine the past year but the average citizen doesn't feel that cost. That represents $700 for each working American. If they were asked to send a personal check for that amount how many would respond. So with no out of pocket cost and no American soldiers in danger, the public is okay continuing the war effort. The fact that a country is being systematically destroyed and innocent people are being killed and maimed is not important enough for people to demand a negotiated settlement. About 8 million Ukrainians have been displaced to countries throughout Europe and they are mostly women and children or old guys like me. The US estimates that 100,000 Ukrainians have died including 1,000 children. We are starting the second year. Will it be like the first year. How many years is "as long as it takes". Putin the bully has been punched in the nose and is desperately looking for a way out. If he gets out of this mess he will think long and hard about trying such a stunt again.

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