Thursday, February 2, 2023

Electric rates

Many people living here are not aware that in 1994 the state of Minnesota outlawed the building of any new nuclear power plants. This week the MN house passed a bill saying the state must be carbon free by 2040. This means wind and solar. Not one mention of the harm caused to the environment by the mining and disposal of the materials needed for wind and solar. This indicates that climate change is not an environmental issue but rather a political one. MN currently gets its 50% of its electric power from coal and natural gas. They have left themselves an out...something about having power companies to pay a penalty for not meeting the goals. This penalty will result in higher prices which will hurt low income people. The next step would be to subsidize low income people for utility cost reaching the final goal of redistributing the wealth. Recall when Obama said your electricity will necessarily sky rocket. Here’s one line that President Barack Obama might want to rewind: “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” This is one of those cases where someone in Washington accidentally speaks the truth.

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