Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Regular guy

Most people, including myself, like to think of themselves as regular guys. We therefor understand what is and is not important in the eyes of Joe Sixpack. On a grand scale Joe wants a secure border, low inflation, low crime and energy independence and a good paying job. Closer to home Joe wants schools to stick with the three R's without teaching gender change to children, he doesn't want grown men dressed as women dancing in schools, he certainly doesn't want gender change surgery on children especially without parental knowledge, he doesn't want to tear down statues or to change the names of buildings or he doesn't want his children to get birth control or have abortions without his permission. He doesn't want to have to deal with new pronouns for people who have changed their gender or have no gender. He doesn't want men in women sports or their bathrooms. Joe doesn't think that reparations are right and /or legal. Joe cannot understand while people lose their jobs because they were not vaccinated but migrants are sent around the country without being vaccinated. He wonders why with a shortage of teachers, police officers and soldiers those who were fired because they didn't get the shot are not allowed back. He wonders why criminals are allowed back on the street after committing a crime. Joe feels overwhelmed with all the ways he is expected to change to suit the needs of a few. The more he conforms to these new ways the more new ways will be brought up. Those who disagree with Joe say he is intolerant and living in the past which is okay but then they attack him on a personal basis saying he is racist bigot who is too ignorant to understand the new world we live in. Joe was quiet about these things for a long time but now he is speaking out and this will cause strife but he is willing to take that risk.

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