Friday, September 22, 2023


As far back as 1973 Saudi Arabia has depended on the US for their security. Over those years Iran has coveted the Saudi oil but was kept at bay by US military power. When the US became energy independent their need for Saudi oil diminished and the relationship between the two countries took on a different flavor. Saudi at first tried to cozy up to China by selling oil without petrodollars but China cannot offer much protection since they are 7,000 miles away and do not have a long range naval capability. So now the Saudis are looking to Israel. The Abraham accords opened the door for Israel and the Arab states to developed relationships and now Saudi Arabia may join them. These Arab countries fear Iran and want to join forces with Israel for protection. Besides the Iranian desire to control the oil in the Middle East these countries are mostly Suni Muslims while Iran is mostly Shia Muslim and these two sects have never gotten along. This may lead to the long desired calming of relationships between the Arabs and the Jews.

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