Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Virtue signaling is a phrase that is popular in the current vernacular and it means, the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. On outstanding example in the news these days revolves around sanctuary cities. Mayors of many northern cities spoke glowingly of their desire to care for illegals crossing the southern border by setting policies that would welcome these desperate people. They assumed the high ground and criticized the way the border cities were treating these migrants. Then the migrants started showing up in sanctuary cities and things changed and changed quickly. Now these same mayors are saying they don't want these migrants because they cause too much trouble. The mayors of border cities were accused of being mean spirited by not welcoming the migrants. They were looked down upon in a way that only virtue signaling proponents can signal as they paraded their moral correctness in their daily press briefings. Here is Mayor Adams speaking two years ago. Speaking to reporters at the time, the mayor said: 'As the mayor of New York, I have to provide services families that are here, and that's what we're going to do - our responsibility as a city, and I'm proud that this is a Right to Shelter state, and we're going continue to do that.' That was then, this is now.

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