Monday, September 4, 2023


The big misinformation drive regarding climate change began in 2006 with former VP Al Gore and his presentation called, An Inconvenient Truth. He took factual information and by exaggeration and leaving out salient points gave a false impression of what was going to happen. The result was he won many accolades among which were two Emmy's, Time man of the year and the Nobel Peace Prize. The ideas he published were readily accepted by the press because he was saying what they wanted to hear. The first sign of discontent came when some scientist objected to using the book in schools. This represented the initial use of the strategy later used by critical race theory (CRT). The book was designed to scare the readers by leaving out part of the story. As the scientist later carefully reviewed the book they uncovered nine instances where hyperbole was used to exaggerate certain points taken out of contents. Gore said the icecap in Greenland was melting and suggested it would cause the sea to rise seven meters and then proceeded to describe the devastation this would cause. Scientist confirmed this calculation but Gore neglected to mention this melting would take many centuries but the time frame was not mentioned. This led to saying the polar bears are drowning because sea ice is melting and some bears did drown but later evidence showed it was because of a storm. He said islands in the South Pacific being inundated and citizens were being evacuated to New Zealand but no such evacuation occurred. There are six other instances where Gore used misleading methods to exaggerate. Years later when confronted with these cases Gore responded by saying he had to exaggerate to get peoples attention and that is still going on today. Climate change is a problem and there is no need to exaggerate. What Gore did with his twisting of facts was to cause people to doubt other data that was more accurate.

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