Wednesday, September 6, 2023


The world is moving toward an energy transition but it is going in the wrong direction. Two adjustments to thinking must be made before the start. First that wind and solar will not do the job and second electric cars are not the future. A more realistic approach is to simultaneously begin the transition to natural gas for transportation and begin manufacturing thorium power plants. These are small reactors and made on an assembly line and sent to the use point minimizing the need for power lines. As the need for more power increases just add another unit. Each unit is enough to power 10,000 homes and fits on a semi truck. These reactors shut down by themselves if power is lost and they can use existing nuclear waste as fuel. For cars it is important to maintain the internal combustion engine(ICE) which will eventually use hydrogen. Thorium plants can produce hydrogen by breaking down water. The hydrogen is then used as fuel and the only bi product is water. No need to mine, process and dispose of the materials needed for wind, solar and EV batteries. Hydrogen can then combined with CO2 to make liquid fuels. The CO2 is removed from the air and returned to the air when burned. This is carbon neutral and can provide fuel for jets, big trucks, heavy military and construction equipment, locomotives and ocean liners.

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