Friday, September 8, 2023

Ask why

As globalization winds down, this a good time to look back and try to figure out what happened. After WW 2 when American guaranteed the safety of the seas countries around the world started trading with one another. In the past if a country was limited in development because they had no coal they were stymied but under the new rules they could trade food for coal with some other country even a country far away. This opened the door to a world wide economic boom and led to bringing a billion people out of poverty. But like all stories there was a downside. The American middle income workers began to lose their jobs as manufacturing moved over seas. Starting in about 1965 the American dream began to fade away. The dad who had a good paying job with benefits ended up with a low paying job without benefits and mom had to go to work. Every four years at election time these working families were told that vote for me and things will change but it didn't happen. A glimmer of hope sprang up when Reagan got the middle income democrats to side with him but he failed them. Over a dozen election cycles these people were left to fend for themselves and then along came Trump. He said he was going to drain the swamp and this was music to their ears. He is somebody that will make a difference the voters thought. Of course all those in power were totally stunned when Trump won the election. Instead of asking what happened they chose to vent their frustration on Trump. Did they learn anything from this experience. Did they think why were the white college educated who used to be country club republicans and the blue collar democrats who used to be working class switch sides. Rather than admit that both parties turned their backs on the working people they choose instead to say its all Trumps fault. Will Trump have to win again before they ask why or is their fear of being drained so great that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

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