Saturday, September 9, 2023


One of the major advantages that small nuclear reactors (SNR)have over wind and solar has to do with transmission lines. Windmills and solar panels must be located in places where the wind blows and the sun shines and this is most often far away from the use point. This will require the addition of many miles of new high voltage lines. With SNR the reactor is located near the use point and requires very little new lines. Since wind and solar are intermittent power sources they require a back up whereas SNR's run 24/7. Low voltage lines will still run to small use points as they do today and will not require any new lines. As coal plants shut down SNR's can be moved into the same spot and existing lines and other equipment like generators can remain in service. A current nuclear plant uses 100 acres per million megawatt hours, solar needs 3,200 acres and wind uses 17,800 acres. All of the solar acres put that land out of business but wind acreage can still be used for farming.

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