Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Morning Joe has returned to his republican roots. Today he says that we need more police especially in minority neighborhoods. He said wealthy liberals living in safe white areas thought that fewer police would reduce the misdeeds of some police but those in Black areas were asking for more police. Everyone who understood the issue knew this was the case. These White elites got caught up in the concept of equity and pushed that into going easy on crime in order to reduce the number of Blacks being arrested. What has to be done now to compensate for the overreaction is to follow the policies that were so effective in the 1990's called broken windows. They started to charge people with small crimes like jumping the turnstile on the subway and this led to a reduction in all crimes. They used computer information based on crimes the night before to determine where special police presence was needed. They used stop and frisk to remove guns from the street. Today they can start by making sure there are consequences to things like shop lifting and car jacking.

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