Saturday, September 2, 2023


When people talk about Greentech (wind and solar) they frequently fail to understand the effect of geography. If Greentech is developed in the wrong area it creates more carbon that it saves. Windmills must be placed where the wind blows and solar panels where the sun shines. Unfortunately these places are far from away from where the power is needed. For example in the United States about one-third of the population lives in a megalopolis stretching from Boston to Washington D|C and there is too little wind or sun in this area and even if there were there is not enough space for the windmills and solar panels. Germany in their rush to Greentech failed to take into account their lack of sun and wind when they closed down their coal and nuclear plants. Calculations after the fact shows that their final impact was to increase their carbon foot print. Add to that the fact that Russia cut off the natural gas and Germany has now restarted its coal plants and German coal is lignite the dirtiest kind of coal. This is what happened with corn ethanol. They rushed to build these plants and ended up increasing carbon. This is a double mistake because the law says 40% of corn must be used for ethanol production at a time when the world will be facing a food shortage. Somebody has to think before they act. The country is hell bent on leather to go to EV's without thinking through the whole process.

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