Monday, September 4, 2023

Ukraine money

The original purpose for aiding Ukraine in their war against Russia was the fear that if Russia took Ukraine that they would be emboldened and move on to the next country. Now that the world has had a chance to see the mighty Russia army, do those who feared Russia might attack another country still feel that way. If not is it time to negotiated a peace agreement and send Russia home with a promise not to invite Ukraine into NATO and allowing them to keep the Dombas region. This gives Putin a way to save face and puts a stop to what will be the destruction of Ukraine along with many thousands of casualties on both sides. The ineptness of the Russian military should convince the West that Putin will not attack another country any time soon and he is already 70. It will take Russia years to rebuild its military and the Russian people will be in no mood to go on the offensive again. The US has sent $135 billion to Ukraine in 18 months and there is no reason to believe that won't continue. Let's use future money to rebuild Ukraine.

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