Monday, September 4, 2023


Over the past 30 plus years the country has witnessed the formation of a forth branch of government which goes by the name bureaucracy. These are unelected officials who work mostly in Washington DC and remain in their jobs as one president leaves and a new one comes in. Some of the higher ups come and go with each administration but second tier and below jobs remain mostly unchanged. Many years ago Eisenhower warned against the dangers of the military industrial complex and in time other groups joined. Top ranking officials in the Treasury Department got real cozy with big Wall Street firms and the revolving door allowed poorly paid bureaucrats to earn high salaries after leaving government. Next we had Defense department generals taking jobs in the defense industry. And more recently the bureaucrats in the Justice department going to work for Silicon Valley firms. All of these disparate groups overtime became known as the deep state. It was not any particular political party but a combination of, I scratch your back and you scratch mine sort of an arrangement. No one planned it, it just evolved. The result is two governments. The one we are all familiar with, the one we elect and the other which is hidden in plain site which we call the deep state. The purpose of all these groups is to get money and power and they have achieved that goal. Elected officials soon find out that they must go along to get along and their reward is laws passed that encourage campaign donations which assures reelection. Left out of this circle of friends is the ordinary citizen who is mostly unaware of what is happening but just happens to be the tax payer who funds this whole gang of interlopers.

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