Monday, February 8, 2021

FISA and Page

David Ignatius has written for the Washington Post since 1986. During the first two years of the Trump administration he appeared frequently on Morning Joe and joined a chores of commentators who sat around the table criticizing Trump. Once the Mueller investigation into the Trump/Russia collusion probe ended, Ignatius no longer appeared on the show. One reason for the change had to do with how Ignatius covered the Carter Page story. Page was an adviser to the Trump campaign and had several contacts with officials in Moscow. In September Page leaves the Trump campaign amid news reports that he is the subject of an FBI investigation. In October 2016 the FBI got a FISA warrant to monitor Carter Page. To get this warrant the FBI must declare that they have thoroughly investigating the case and have probable cause that Page is engaging in criminal activity. This opened the door to the path that led to Special Prosecutor Mueller's investigation into the claim of Trump/Russia collusion. It was later discovered that Page was working for the CIA and used his contacts with Russians to help the CIA. It has recently been reported that the FBI failed to reveal to the FISA court that Page was a CIA operative. An FBI agent actually change a report that said he was a CIA agent to the was NOT a CIA agent. This agent Kevin Clinesmith was recently found guilty and was given probation. This was one of seven inaccuracies or omission in the FISA application. This opened the door for the FBI to listen in on Trump administration officials before and after the election. Much of this information was selectively leaked to the press to cast a negative light on the administration. This is what is called weaponizing the DOJ to use against a candidate for president and a president.

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