Friday, February 12, 2021


Science precedes engineering and that can best be seen in nuclear fusion, the process that goes on in the sun. High temperatures change hydrogen into helium with the release of heat energy. This energy can then be used to run generators to produce electric power. One such plant is being constructed in England using both government and commercial funds and will be operational by 2025. Fusion power uses water as a fuel source and produces pollution free energy with water as a by product. This process can produce hydrogen for transportation, electric power for home and industry and a low cost method to desalt sea water. With almost unlimited low cost energy and an abundance of clean water the deserts around the world can bloom producing inexpensive food in large quantities more than enough to feed the world. While the world awaits fusion steps can be taken to minimize the effects of global warming. We can replace coal plants with natural gas, build thorium nuke plants, use natural gas for transportation and mine methane hydrate. Methane hydrate alone will provide CO2 free natural gas for a thousand years and most people have never heard of it.

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