Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Psychiatrist Carl Jung, studied the hidden side of human nature and one area he discovered he called the shadow. In the shadow of our subconscious mind lies parts of us that we are not willing to face. One of the ways we can find out more about this shadow is to observe what Jung calls projection. He says that we often project onto others those shadowy parts that we don't want to face. If you find yourself over reacting to someones behavior, that could be a clue to a part of you of which you are not aware. Instead of projecting onto someone close and risking the relation we sometimes project onto a group. If you are expending so much psychic energy disparaging another group it could be a clue to something going on inside of you. The past four years many people have projected onto Trump. Either they were for him or against him but with such emotional energy that something more than just political differences was going on. It expanded from Trump to groups who agreed or disagreed with him. This presents those who are willing to look into it, an opportunity to learn something about their shadow. This requires lots of work so most will just pooh pooh the whole idea as psychobabble and leave their shadow alone. But it is still there waiting quietly in the darkness.

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