Sunday, February 14, 2021


Many people today see socialism as the answer to income inequality. Most think of socialism as an economic system but there is another side that is not considered. This other side would cause many, especially ordinary people, to question the value of socialism. This other side is religion. Karl Marx was born an atheist and remained so for his entire life. His comments on religion were bumper stickered to, "religion is the opiate of the masses". He felt governments used religion to maintain power over the people. Marx said, the communist hatred of faith is a feature, not a fault". One of America's blessings is its deep respect for religious freedom. According to Marx, religion and communism are incompatible. When communism takes over one of the first things to be changed is peoples belief in their religion. In fact, in any society, there’s a close relationship between respecting religious liberty and the prosperity of other political, civic and economic freedoms.

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