Friday, February 5, 2021

Wealth tax

The top one percent of Americans are worth $35 trillion dollars. As President Biden moves toward, as Obama said, spreading the wealth around, the time is ripe for Senator Warren's plan for a wealth tax. A 6% wealth tax could pay for the new $1.9 trillion dollar stimulus that congress is currently in the process of approving. The wealth of these rich people will probably increase by that amount so the tax could continue year after year. The average person in this group is worth $100 million. If the government took 6% they would still have $94 million. A small sacrifice to help so many less fortunate. Once the door is open to this taking of assets by law the percentage can increase according to the needs of the country. We can then follow the principle laid out by Marx who said, from each according to his means, to each according to his needs.

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