Sunday, February 21, 2021

Iran cash

In 1979, when Iran tossed out the Shah, the government froze $11 billion of Iranian assets held in US banks. When Obama released those fund they were worth $150 billion with interest. This was part of the Nuke agreement. This was often misreported as giving Iran $150 billion dollars. There is evidence that Iran used the money to finance terror groups. At the same time the US transferred $1.7 billion in cash to Iran saying it was money owed from the days before the 1979 revolution. The congress investigated this and found it to be a legal transaction. The question of why cash was answered by saying the sanctions at the time prohibited bank transfers. An airplane with pallet loads of cash landed at the airport and at the same time a prisoner release took place. The government said the two incidences were separate because the US never negotiates for prisoner release.

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