Monday, February 8, 2021

Immigration changes

Biden did not say he wanted to defund the police he said he supports redirecting some police funding to address mental health or to change the prison system. Biden did not say he wanted open borders. He wants to offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegals in the country. He wants to stop construction on the border wall. He wants to expand the reason why asylum should be granted. He calls for the expansion of shelter networks. He wants to increase family sponsored immigration. He wants to increase the immigration cap to 125,000 the highest since 1980's. He will stop counting spouses and minor children against the cap limit. He wants a new VISA category to allow for more immigrants. He has issued a moratorium on deportations. He proposes no arrest a vaccination sites. He is a strong ally of sanctuary city rules. He wants to count all illegal immigrants in the census. He wants to allow illegals to buy into Obamacare. He wants to end the remain in Mexico policy.

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