Saturday, February 20, 2021

Foreign policy

As the Biden foreign policy is rolled out it is time to review the polices of Trump. To start with Obama warned Trump that North Korea was the number one problem. As Trump leaves office NK is not even in the news. Trump placed import taxes on China and started the process of bringing jobs back home. He set up a new and improved trade police with Mexico and Canada. He turned away from the TPP which benefited China and set up US trade with Japan and South Korea. He arranged working relationships between four Arab countries and Israel and opened the door for Saudi Arabia to join the group. He did this by placing tough sanctions on Iran. He killed the al Qaeda leader Qasim al Raymi and ISIS leader al Baghdadi. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He forced Mexico to deal with immigrants before they entered Mexico by threatening to place taxes on Mexican imports. He moved away from the Paris Accords knowing it was all a way to transfer money to countries where the local government officials would abscond with. He forced NATO members to pay their fair share by threatening to pay less. He reduced overseas troops by 30,000. He caused reforms in the WHO by threatening to leave the group. Trump asked congress to vote to leave the WTO as that group seems to always favor China. The US pays 11% of the WTO budget and China pays 8%. Trump sent a wake up call to the world by saying the US is tired of paying more than its fair share to all world organizations. The result was that these countries were upset with the US. Biden told the world that the US is back and they all applauded. When these deeds are presented to the anti Trumpers their response is not to challenge the policies but to attack his personality and character.

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