Thursday, February 4, 2021

Politics and climate

Are Americans concerned about climate change? Since 2013 sales of pickups and SUV's have increased and sedans have decreased. Last year only 22% of vehicles sold were sedans. The size of homes is increasing while the size of families is decreasing. Homes today are twice as large as homes just a few years ago. The commute today is longer than ever with a national average of 52 minutes. Polls show that since 2013 concern about the environment has increased from 50% to 67%. Why has this seeming increase in concern not brought about a change in behavior. The answer is in the cry wolf story. 50 years ago when earth day started 18 experts predicted that the people would be dead or starving by now. Over the years other experts have predicted dire consequences if action isn't taken. The latest in the news is a congresswomen who says we have only 12 years to avoid disaster. Things are getting worse and the reason is that practical solutions are bogged down in politics. All of the articles on the Internet talk about replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar and other solutions are ignored. After all of this hype solar today provides 2% of our power.

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