Saturday, February 20, 2021

Time to act

Where are the scientist? Politicians who monopolize the discussion of global warming have pushed the scientist into the background. It must be said in no uncertain terms that based on today's technology wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels. Once that fact is established we can follow the experts who say we must use all available energy sources to combat global warming. As coal fired power plants wear out they should be replaced with natural gas. As uranium nuke plants wear out they should be replaced with thorium plants. The construction of new thorium plants should start immediately. Wind mills and solar panels should be constructed near and around all power plants using natural gas as backup. The same should be built around all fixed building including manufacturing plants using natural gas as backup. The transportation industry should move quickly to natural gas. The push for methane hydrate and the research on fusion should continue and at an accelerated pace. The trend toward larger homes and bigger cars should be reversed. The use of more efficient lighting systems and increased use of insulation along with other construction techniques should be encouraged. Solar and wind for homes and make the install large enough to power a small electric car to go to work and back. There is much that should and can be done but it won't happen until the politicians get out of the way.

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