Thursday, February 11, 2021


The recent surge in political correctness started in the late 70's. At first it was with words that most people felt uncomfortable with and then spread to words that some felt were impolite and today the list includes words that some feel are just not acceptable. Word by word free speech is being threatened. It is civilized behavior to avoid words that may be hurtful and most people act accordingly. To ridicule people who use those words or to punish those who use such words is a kind of censorship. Limiting language can lead to limiting actions which in turn can lead to limiting thought. Why is this happening? Those who determine speech have power over others. They feel that they know what is best for society in general. Here is one recent example. The Washington Post reported Friday that officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had been forbidden from using seven words as they prepared their 2019 budget documents. The words were: "vulnerable," "diversity," "entitlement," "fetus," "transgender," "science-based" and "evidence-based."

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