Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Report card

What kind of report card can we give to the United States of America. Starting from the beginning with the development of what many call the greatest constitution of all time and going through the civil war where 560,000 white European Americans died to defeat slavery. Then followed two World Wars where dictators who killed millions of innocent people were defeated and then the vanquished enemies were built up from the ruins to become free countries. Forty years of cold war defeated the USSR which allowed free countries to spring up around the world. The world was saved from the ravages of polio and AIDS. America was the nesting place for the Internet, social media, music and entertainment. Scholars come from around the globe to grow and develop in US universities while American businesses lead the world in innovation. With all of this there are many citizens who dislike this country. They disrespect the anthem, the pledge and the flag but cannot find a better country to live while many others are willing to leave their homelands to come to America. These same people want to replace the great economic engine of free market capitalism with socialism under the dream of equality and even that has been replaced with equal outcomes. One of their biggest complaints is that some have too much. They live in the dream world that happiness comes from having more stuff. To have equal outcomes (equity) means eliminating competition because competition produces winners and losers. Each year 32 NFL teams compete for the Super Bowl but only one wins. Is that fair. Does it make sense to have one winner and 31 losers. Instead of the average family income being $60,000, all families should make $60,000. We can strive for more income equality but do not through out the baby with the bath water. Work for greater equality of opportunity and forget the equality of results. What grade do you give the country.

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