Friday, December 10, 2021


Roe v Wade has always been unpopular within certain groups. Name changes were part of lessening the concern by the general public. Pro abortion was called pro choice and abortion was called reproductive rights. These were good moves to soften the issue but the pro choice people made some serious miscalculations. They kept pushing the envelop and demanded the right to have an aborting in the final days of pregnancy even to the point of allowing a aborted baby that did not die to be killed. A reasonable person might conclude that abortion in the first trimester is acceptable for legitimate reasons and even in the second trimester under special circumstances but going further would be too much. Even the definition of legitimate reasons has been a slippery slope. It started with abortion for spina bifida and progressed to Downs syndrome to sex determinate and not there yet but legally allowed abortion because of eye color. The pro choice people were given a rope and they proceeded to hang themselves.

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