Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Guns butter

The eternal argument of guns vs butter is in the news again because congress just passed a record defense spending bill with 181 democrats voting for it. The $768 billion dollar bill far exceeds the estimated $500 billion for the Build Back Better bill. The standard argument in favor of guns says that if you short the military people die but if you short domestic spending people go hungry. There are real examples of how this works. At the end of WW11 the defense budget was cut and five years later soldiers were sent to Korea in WW 11 tanks to fight against the more modern Russian built tanks. After Viet Nam the new thinking was that future wars would be high tech and not a troops on the ground war but that did not play out in Afghan and Iraq. Soldiers were once again sent to war with inferior equipment and ground vehicles lacked proper armor and upgrades were added in the field. In the mean time many soldiers were severely injured and/or died from road side bombs. The only thing left is to attack the defense department for wasteful spending and that is ongoing. Keep in mind when you hear stories about $400 toilets that all money goes to salaries.

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