Friday, December 3, 2021


In 2011 Bill Gates founded TerraPower and tried to build a nuke power plant in China because he was having so many problems here in the US with the EPA and other government agencies. When the US discovered this they made some adjustments and Gates is now building in Wyoming. The plant will cost $4 billion, half from Gates and half from the US government. It is a liquid sodium reactor but uses uranium for fuel. This is like using thorium in that it does not require high pressure water to cool and can shut down by itself if problems occur. This is a start. If Gates is half as successful with TerraPower as he was with MicroSoft he may just save the world but politics looms on the horizon and he may have so many problems with government regulation (interference) the whole project may be abandoned. TerraPower has been around for ten years and founded by a well known entrepreneur but no one has heard about it. Wonder why?

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