Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Scooter Libby

Trump often talked about the "deep state" referring to people in the Department of Justice who were acting in ways that were detrimental to his administration. Attorney John Durham is currently investigating some of these issues regarding the alleged Russia cover up. This is not a far fetched idea as was learned in the Scooter Libby case. Recall he was Chief of Staff for VP Dick Cheney who was accused of releasing the name of CIA agent Valarie Plame. For two years beginning in 2003 Libby was interviewed by Special Counsel Fitzgerald and in 2005 Libby was indicted on charges of lying during the interviews. This is referred to as a process crime since if a person talks long enough they will contradict themselves. During the trial a state department employee Richard Armitage came forth and told Fitzgerald that he Armitage was the person who released the name of Plame as a CIA agent. Fitzgerald ignored the information and achieved a guilty verdict. He later said he had no intention of charging Armitage and the case is closed.

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