Friday, December 24, 2021

China expansion

Democratic countries are less likely to covet territory and thus unlikely to invade their neighbors. That is not the case with dictatorships. Take the last century as an example. The Axis countries, Germany invaded Poland, Japan invaded China and Italy invaded Ethiopia. Each time they said they were invaded first but history has shown that not to be the case. In today's world things have not changed. Russia with Putin declared president for life has designs on The Ukraine, In China Xi also president for life wants Taiwan and il in North Korea is eyeing South Korea. Making agreements with countries where the leadership does not have to answer to the people is a waste of time. China signed an agreement in 1997 to leave Hong Kong alone for 50 years but in less than half that time they reneged. Recall Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Russia and invaded Russia. Fifty years ago the West welcomed China into the fold. Many, including myself, felt that once the people got economic freedom they would demand political freedom but we were mistaken. Today China is led by a dictator who has the power of the free market to fund his agenda of world domination. The road to expansion will be fueled by nationalism since 92% of the population is Chinese.

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