Thursday, December 9, 2021

Hand guns

Statistics show a correlation between the number of hand guns and the number of violent crimes but it is not what most people believe. Since 1990 the number of guns owned by US citizens has increased dramatically and today they own over 400 million guns including more than 100 million hand guns. During this same time period violent crime has decreased by half going from 758 per 100,000 people to 388 per 100,000. Some believe this presents a reasonable argument that more guns make us safer. The distortion comes from the fact that a disproportional number of violent crimes occur in the minority centers in the big cities. Black males continues to murder Black males in record numbers and often times the solution is said to be getting rid of guns. Many of the guns used in these crimes are stolen from legal gun owners. It is estimated that 600,000 guns are stolen each year. Some feel if guns were confiscated by the government this would mean no guns for the criminals but that goes against past experience in other areas. For example drugs like cocaine and meth are illegal but are found across the country. In any case it is a moot point since citizens would not allow for the confiscation of guns. When the powers to be, admit to this, then they can start looking for other solutions.

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