Sunday, December 26, 2021

Childcare cost

Childcare in MN cost $1,200 per month. This precludes a low income mom with two children from working. The Build Back Better Bill (BBB) proposes that the most a mom will pay is 7% of her earnings. Taking a closer look brings up some interesting questions. Say a mom works at Walmart and earns $15 per hour or $30,000 per year so her childcare cost would be $2,100. Since the cost of two children would be $28,800 per year the government would be on the hook for $26,700. Why not just send the mom the $26,700 dollars and let her stay at home? Does anyone think that this kind of plan will cause the cost of childcare to increase. It is different for a professional mom who earns $100,000 per year since her childcare cost would be $7,000 instead of $28,000. Is that the purpose of the bill?

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