Saturday, December 4, 2021


After the Civil War Blacks still didn't get full rights so 30 years later the Supreme Court in Plessy v Ferguson came up with the concept of separate but equal. More than 50 years later equality was still lacking because things were separate but not equal. So in Brown v Board of Education the court ruled against segregation and that in conjunction with the Civil Rights amendment in 1965 ended the last vestiges of Jim Crow and brought us to today. The court changes when society changes or when new information presents itself. Interestingly enough in high schools and colleges many, not all, students are segregating on their own. Check the cafeteria during lunch and see that many tables are segregated. See how students gather after school and you see segregation. At sporting events they segregate. One of the signs that racism is a thing of the past is when students no longer segregate. The court is now looking at Roe v Wade which was decided in 1973. Some say it isn't wise to change a ruling that has been around for 50 years but others say that precedence shows that is not a reason not to change.

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